FabSim3 Plugins¶
Installing plugins¶
By default, FabSim3 comes with the FabDummy plugin, which is available in ~/FabSim3/plugins
Other plugins can be installed in FabSim3, and are listed in fabsim/deploy/plugins.yml
To install a specific plugin, simply type:
fabsim localhost install_plugin:<plug_name>
To install plugin from a specific github branch, you can use
keywordfabsim localhost install_plugin:<plug_name>,branch=<branch_name>
List of available FabSim3 plugins¶
FabChemShell is a ChemShell plugin for FabSim3.
FabCovid19 is a FabSim3 plugin for Flu And Coronavirus Simulator (FACS).
FabCovidsim is a FabSim3/EasyVVUQ plugin for COVID-19 CovidSim microsimulation model developed Imperial College, London.
FabDummy is a dummy example plugin for FabSim3. It is meant to showcase a minimal implementation for a FabSim3 plugin.
FabDynamics is a plugin for Dynamics which is used for analysis of ODE systems.
FabFlee is a plugin for automated Flee agent-based simulations. It provides an environment to construct, modify and execute simulations as a single run or ensemble runs. FabFlee aims to predict the distribution of incoming refugees across destination camps under a range of different policy situations.
FabMD is a FabSim3 plugin for automated LAMMPS-based simulations.
This plugin provides functionality to extend FabSim3's workflow and remote submission capabilities to LAMMPS specific tasks.
FabMUSCLE is a preliminary launcher for the MUSCLE3 toolkit. It serves to automatically set up MUSCLE3 simulations, launch the manager and its submodels, and keep all the associated data organized.
FabParticleDA is a FabSim3 plugin for ParticleDA.jl).
FabSMD is a Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) plugin for FabSim3.
FabUQCampaign is a FabSim3 plugin for a climate modelling. It used to run an ensemble of EasyVVUQ samples on HPC resources.
FabNESO is a FabSim3 plugin for Neptune Exploratory SOftware (NESO). It can be used to run both single instances and ensemble runs of NESO simulations.